Oleksandra Baukh

Product Developer ๐Ÿ‘—๐Ÿ‘œ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ

How to effectively work remotely as a design team

How to effectively work remotely as a design team

Working remotely as a team for the first time? Here are some useful tips and resources to stay productive.

Oleksandra Baukh
April 2020
Tips for Small Fashion Businesses During These Challenging Times

Tips for Small Fashion Businesses During These Challenging Times

Here are some tips and resources every small fashion business should consider during economic disaster.

Oleksandra Baukh
March 2020
The Ultimate Guide to Bill of Materials in Fashion

The Ultimate Guide to Bill of Materials in Fashion

A comprehensive guide to BOM in fashion, why they are important, what to include in them in order to create an effective Tech Pack.

Oleksandra Baukh
February 2020

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