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Explore how these latest technological advancements are helping brands eliminate overstocking problems.
Learn how to stop your manufacturers switching to materials for cheaper alternatives without your approval.
Hear out these creatives and what they've learned in their journey as fashion designers and entrepreneurs.
Learn from this production expert on why tech packs are so important during manufacturing.
Many brands use alpha sizing instead of numerical sizes. Learn which is right for you.
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These successful fashion entrepreneurs shares how to avoid some of the most common pitfalls of fashion businesses.
Lessons learned from the mistakes these industry giant's made, which led them to file bankruptcies.
Learn these 3 simple tips on how to write good measurement specs, so your factory can meet your fit expectations.
Ever wondered how long it should take designers to create their first tech pack? Not more than 5 minutes. Here's why.
Try these 8simple hacks for faster tech pack turnarounds.